Five minutes of fundamentals …
It struck me the other day when sitting on the patio of a favourite meeting place, how many insights I have gathered through working in my own business, as well as coaching others in theirs over the past 20 years.…
It struck me the other day when sitting on the patio of a favourite meeting place, how many insights I have gathered through working in my own business, as well as coaching others in theirs over the past 20 years.…
‘Enlightenment is not something you achieve. It is the absence of something. All your life you have been going forward after something, pursuing some goal. Enlightenment is dropping all that.’ Joko Beck[1] A year ago, even six months ago, this…
‘Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean' - Ryunosuke Satoro What an interesting year it has been, with a great many drops of inspiring, fascinating and sometimes challenging moments making up the ever-shifting currents that have flowed…
It is that time of year, when everyone seems to be rushing a little faster than usual as we head towards slowing down and taking time to pause during the sunny days of the summer holidays that lie ahead. As…
Some days it can all feel a bit too much, Too many things to do and too little time; The task is too big to keep calm and carry on, Never mind that everything is seen to be ‘just fine’.…
Just as the mist lifts and the droplets dissolve, So too will 2020 be archived in the annals of time; To be learned from, but not repeated. All the best for a healthy, happy and safe Festive Season 2020. ELISE
The actress Sharon Stone made a powerful acceptance speech in late 2019 when awarded the GQ Woman of the Year award, in which she shared the personal challenges faced when a certain scene in the 1992 film, Basic Instinct, became…
Sometimes all we need is to climb to the top of the closest mountain in order to re-gain a sense of perspective. ELISE
The harsh reality about co-habiting with Covid-19 is the need to accept that there is no known timeline as to when we can expect the current global pandemic to come to an end. What we do know however, is that…
I have discovered peace in accepting that the future will pan out in its own timing; And while chaos reigns Solace can be found in the simple; Beauty in the ordinary. Elise