Many clients commence their coaching journey with the idea that what is required is career…
Five minutes of fundamentals …
It struck me the other day when sitting on the patio of a favourite meeting place, how many insights I have gathered through working in my own business, as well as coaching others in theirs over the past 20 years.
Given that the person I was meeting had not arrived as this thought emerged, I took out the ‘little planning book’ that comes everywhere with me and started to scribble. Experiences, observations and learnings poured out on to the page within a matter of minutes.
Although the list is ‘incomplete’ – and each point is probably a full topic on its own – here are some of the five minute fundamentals I have collected along the way:
- Be clear on where you are heading and carefully choose the road you take. A road without a planned destination could lead anywhere; an unlikely desired outcome.
- Have clarity on who you are and what you’re all about. Ensure that those around you are aware of this too. A deep dive into one’s own value system, beliefs and sense of purpose is vital. So is sharing it.
- Know everything about your business, from the ground up. Administration systems; processes; logistics; taxation; cash flow through to board expectations (and more) … inform yourself of how it all hangs together.
- Be aware of your personal strengths and weakness. Centre your attention on the former and create support structures around the latter. Nobody can be good at everything.
- Engage others whose strengths complement yours. Avoid viewing payment for skills as an expense; this is a necessity. The longer term cost benefit analysis will speak for itself.
- Focus on the return-on-investment in all areas, especially the investment of your personal energy. It truly is impossible to pour from an empty cup; this is not simply a catchy phrase seen on Facebook.
- Learn to delegate. Sustainability and mindful delegation are joined at the hip.
- Put boundaries in place – professional and personal. The extra mile must end in a period of recovery before commencing the next one.
- Question diversification. If it does not align with the core business it is merely a distraction.
- Scale sensibly. There is a time to start; a time to settle; a time to grow; a time to consolidate and also a time to downscale. Understand these differences.
- Consider the value of passive income. There are only 24 hours in a day and none of us are getting any younger.
- Read widely in your field of business; be curious about how others do it and beyond. Wisdom is available all around if we tap into it.
- Never fall behind on administration. Not ever. A colleague offered me this nugget when commencing my consulting business two decades ago and it has proven its weight in gold – repeatedly.
- Fix problems immediately. There is always time another day to bask in the glow of positive feedback and compliments.
- Never stop learning.
It has been – and remains – the most enormous privilege to work with a wide variety of clients in different ways.
The path of continuous progress is a mixture of moments that are exciting, inspiring, frustrating, exhausting, uplifting and humbling – yet always enriching. This richness is immeasurably multiplied when shared with others.
I love the way in which the Dalai Lama views sharing what one has learned during one’s journey:
“Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.”
Dalai Lama
May we all strive for immortality in this manner.