Many clients commence their coaching journey with the idea that what is required is career…

December 2022 Communique
‘Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean’ – Ryunosuke Satoro
What an interesting year it has been, with a great many drops of inspiring, fascinating and sometimes challenging moments making up the ever-shifting currents that have flowed through 2022.
Perhaps, as the end of the year approaches, one can take a little time to pause, reflect and draw a sense of solace from the tremendous resilience displayed by so many.
Worldwide, we have faced the tail end of a catastrophic pandemic; increasing war; political battle; economic struggle; corruption; rising unemployment and in South Africa, ongoing rolling blackouts. In spite of it all, somehow, we have collectively continued to dig deep; re-organise; shift gear and adapt to the changes constantly required of each of us in the global village.
Witnessing the incredible strength of the human spirit and the courage demonstrated in negotiating life-altering circumstances continues to be one of the greatest privileges experienced in my world of work.
Having seen some of the most devastating medical malpractice claims of my career during the course of this year, alongside the often equally destructive injuries sustained in road and train accidents, I am reminded daily of just how precious one’s health is and the importance of never taking it for granted.
In the words of the motivational speaker, writer and consultant Denis Waitley: ‘Time and health are two precious assets that we don’t recognise and appreciate until they have been depleted.’
In addition to being exposed to all walks of life and a wide spectrum of damages in the medico-legal domain – and the unique perspectives gained from each – 2022 has been another stimulating year of journeying alongside those who I have had the joy of coaching.
Being part of the constant innovation; development; growth and success in such diverse areas of business and industry has been nothing short of exhilarating.
It is impossible to quantify the insights and knowledge gathered over the years of business coaching – and as this part of my own professional journey draws to a close in February 2023, I end the chapter with immense gratitude for having had the honour of sharing so much, with such dynamic people for the past 15 years. Thank you to everyone who has shared in this experience with me; may the future lead you successfully onwards and upwards.
One final piece of news – this year’s UCT-SCOR claims management course, which runs over a four-month period of lecturing, was attended by a large group of engaging life insurance professionals whose interaction and enthusiasm was infectious and energising. As the course convenor, it was an uplifting and encouraging experience. I anticipate that the annual updates on life insurance contractual claims, opinions and case law will invite more stimulating discussion during next year’s course, commencing in June 2023. One such case will undoubtedly be a credit life claim recently reviewed of a death that occurred during medical resuscitation, which gave rise to numerous potential areas of future focus, including the relevance of Good Samaritan laws in other parts of the world, and the interpretation of contractual terminology used to define ‘an accidental death’. A discussion for another day…
I am looking forward to 2023 being a year of medico-legal work; lecturing on life insurance claims management at the Faculty of Law at UCT, and life and disability claims opinion work. It is also to be a year in which I hope to find the time to study a little further in law and complete that book we are all said to have inside of us!
Thank you for making the past 12 months a real classic in having been Another Good Year.
May we continue to form an ocean together into the New Year and beyond.
Have a safe, joyous and peaceful Festive Season and all the best for 2023.