Many clients commence their coaching journey with the idea that what is required is career…

Wednesday Wisdom – The Privilege of Work
As someone who gets to spend time assessing the intricacies of different types of occupations, the world of work is a place of constant fascination; particularly in relation to each job’s specific human demands. Adding to this insight, I further have the pleasure of business coaching dynamic people working across a diverse range of industries.
When asked how my decision to specialise in the medico-legal environment came about – with the business coaching alongside – there is almost always the observation that these are ‘such different’ domains of work.
This couldn’t be further from the truth.
The skills required in providing an expert opinion with regard to determining the capacity of an injured individual continuing to work, and those required in understanding how a business operates are not mutually exclusive.
Aside from the obvious need for health professional training and actual business experience, what is mostly required is the ability to listen; observe; contextualise; analyse and ‘see’ the picture of life as others know it, experience it and desire it to be.
Although a closer inspection of the facts may lead to the need to adjust the picture (in order to accommodate the challenges ‘reality’ tends to throw in the way), the journey in getting to grips with the details and uniqueness of every individual work-related situation never ceases to be interesting.
It is, in fact, most often truly inspiring.
The professional world in which I operate takes me down roads and avenues not previously known; across countries and continents around the world; allows me to see through lenses of expansive differences in personal experience, and enables the development of incredible relationships, the gaining of powerful insights, and the sharing of impactful knowledge that, on some days, literally blows my mind.
And whilst I remain vulnerable to the stresses and strains typically attached to professional life, it is the privilege of this work itself that helps to keep the balance. As strange as that may appear, it is when one learns to appreciate just how vast and immense the world of work is, that one learns to better understand one’s role in it. There is a strange sense of personal security in the knowing how to fully embrace who we really are.
Furthermore, it is in this same embrace that we come to appreciate the value in stepping away from competing, comparing, criticizing and complaining. So often, this comes from the desire to ensure that we ‘arrive’ at some ‘ultimate’ point in our professional development. We can never fully arrive though; the world of work is virtually infinite. There is no ‘end point’, unless we choose for there to be.
There is always more to be accessed and learned. Always another new space to be created and filled. It is ever-changing and eternally fluid.
I have found that we tend to best sustain our greatest sense of balance when we master the technique of holding our centre close, while continuing to move with the flow of the ever-changing currents that make up the world of work.
It is one hell of a ride and I continue to love it, each and every day.